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Golf Clinics


Short Game Clinic - (Chipping, Pitching, & Bunker)
Dates: February 15th

Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Includes: chipping, pitching, and bunker set-up & technique.  Course management strategies along with practice tips and drills.

Location: Founders Course Driving Range

Instructors: Brian Pavlet, Nick Kondos, & John Darling

Availability: 12 Students

Cost: $75 per student 

Ladies Clinic
Dates: February 17th & 18th

Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Includes: Overview of the basics including grip, stance, posture, ball position and simple swing mechanics. Short game and full swing instruction along with basic rules and etiquette.

Location: Founders Course Driving Range

Instructors: Nick Kondos, Brian Pavlet & John Darling

Availability: 12 Students

Cost: $150 per student 

Putting Clinic

Dates: February 22nd

Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm

This clinic will include instruction on putting set-up and technique. Additionally, students will learn green reading techniques and putting drills to help them practice more efficiently

Location: Founders Course Driving Range

Instructors: Nick Kondos, Brian Pavlet & John Darling

Availability: 12 Students

Cost: $75 per student 

Full Swing Clinic

Dates: February 24th & 25th

Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Over the two-day workshop, each student will learn the fundamentals of set-up and the keys to creating an efficient golf swing. In addition, students will receive a practice plan that includes a video of their swing upon completion of the class.

Location: Founders Course Driving Range

Instructors: Nick Kondos, Brian Pavlet & John Darling

Availability: 12 Students

Cost: $150 per student 

To sign up or for more information: Email Director of Golf Nick Kondos at or call 623-388-3003